Please read attached about the committee bond proposal that was present on Monday, June 12th. We are looking for feedback. You can access the proposal and the survey on our site. Thank you for your feedback! Go Comets!!!
Reminder that our study session has been moved to the high school for tonight's meeting at 6:00. We will be unveiling the bond so we hope to see you there!
Please read announcement in regards to the nursing position
Comet Community! We will be switching our June 12th study session from Jonesville Middle School to Jonesville High School. It begins at 6:00. Elite will be presenting the bond proposal that the bond committee worked to develop. Hope to see you there!
Thank you very much to Raker-Roberta's Retail Outlet for the donation of these beautiful flowers. Mrs. Nichols' 6th grade Comets In Action class traveled to Williams Elementary to brighten and spruce up the school for springtime with Mrs. Bolz-Sweebe's 4th grade class.
JCS gives thanks to all who have made the greatest sacrifice to our nation. On a day filled with family and friends, please take a moment to remember those who are no longer able to.
Comet community! I wanted to update you on the bond progress. We finalized the scope of the bond on Tuesday. We had to have 75% or higher agreement for a project to be approved and were able to have 83% agreement with our final vote. We will present the bond proposal to the board at our June 12th study session which will be at the Jonesville Middle School library at 6:00. I hope you are able to make it out to see what is included. There are a lot of needed projects being addressed and needed updates including safe and secure entryways.
I am still taking questions for my "Lessons with Les" series that we are going to do. This is a time for Les Hutchinson and myself to answer community questions with a video series. Here is the link to post YOUR question:
Come out tomorrow morning and cheer on the Comet Cruisers as they complete their 5K! The race starts at 8:00 am behind JHS. Afterward, head over to Nutrition Extreme to pick up your shake or purchase some raffle tickets.
Come out to Riverfest this weekend for your chance to win one of the super cool mini sheds built by JMS students! Raffle tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25. The sheds will be on display in front of the middle school and at Jonesville Lumber. Ticket booth is at Jonesville Lumber.
Congratulations to our April students of the month!
A group of over 50 Jonesville Middle School students, staff, and parents started their day with a 4 mile bike ride to school this morning. They started at the old Wicker Works building and ended at JMS. Thanks to Miss VanderHill for coordinating this fun event!
Jonesville Middle School Weekly Update - May 1, 2023
Congratulations to our March Students of the Month!