Welcome Back JMS Students!


Hello middle schoolers and families! Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! My name is Lucas Kennard and I am the new Principal at Jonesville Middle School. I’ve been the JMS Computer teacher and district Technology Director now for 18 years. I know you’ve all been waiting for this letter, and I apologize for the delay. We’re trying to give you the most accurate and up to date information as possible, which is why most of the information is coming out more slowly. We’ve been perfecting our schedule, procedures, and routines to optimize the safety and wellbeing of all students and staff. A lot of what we’re going to do this year will be things we’ve never done before, and it will be a learning curve for all of us. I can tell you that no matter how “different” something seems, it was done with the safety of everyone in our building in mind. I think it’s fair to say that we’re all excited and nervous to start the year, and we welcome you with open arms…socially distanced, 6 foot apart, of course!
School this year will start at 8:25 and release at 2:35. Students will not be permitted in the building before 8:15, so please do not drop them off before that time. There are separate entrances (and exits) for each grade level. There is a map, as well as a virtual tour that you can watch that shows each entrance and classroom (the link will be at the end of this letter). Once inside the building, students are to report directly to their first hour class. Students will not have lockers during the first trimester. Your book bag should be able to accommodate all necessary materials and will be brought with you to class every day. Don’t worry, we’ll have staff available to help you find your way to your classroom! Breakfast and lunch will be both be eaten in the classroom. The times for each hour are:

8:25-9:42      9:44-10:51      10:53-12:15      12:17-1:26      1:28-2:35
1st                            2nd                          3rd                     4th                      5th

Students will have 4 “core” classes (Math, English, Social Studies, and Science) as well as one elective. If you are in band, band will be your elective. If not, one of your core teachers will be teaching your elective. Electives will be focused on the health, academics, and support of our students, and will vary from teacher to teacher. Schedules are now available in Skyward. We will evaluate where we are at both a local and State level for scheduling 2nd trimester classes when we get closer to that time. Teachers are encouraged to take their classes outside as much as possible to allow students the ability to socially distance outdoors without the need of a mask. If we are indoors, both students and staff will be wearing a mask. I have added beach towels (or something similar that a student can sit on while outside) to the student supply list. Students will need to bring their face masks with them every day, and will not be allowed into the building without one. Students are also encouraged to bring a full water bottle with them every day, as well as their own personal supply of hand sanitizer and Kleenex.
I know people are curious about clubs, dances, trips, sports, etc. and whether we will be able to do all/some of them. Things are changing so frequently that I’m just not sure what’s going to be available. I’m pretty sure that things will change from the time I write this letter to the time you get it. I can assure you that one thing has not changed, and that is our commitment to your children. Our staff members are a phenomenal group of people. They care about kids and are dedicated to providing them a quality education. With all the COVID related worries, knowing what great staff members we have is one less thing to worry about.
We plan on passing out Chromebooks the first week of school. Just like in the past, we will be requiring a $20 Insurance Payment to be able to take the Chromebook home. If you choose not to pay the $20 fee, you would be responsible to repay the full amount of any damage that may occur. This year, both the technology fee and all lunch payments can now be done online (info below). On the first day of school, students will be bringing home forms that need to be filled out and returned to us as soon as possible. The Virtual Tours, Map, Supply Lists, Online Payment Information, and all other released documents can be found by clicking here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AitG-uLappY16Y-ur8YyPDcPfmYwDrY6/view

You will also be receiving a hard copy of this letter, including schedules and maps, in the mail sometime next week.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 517-849-3210. I can also be reached via email at: Lkennard@Jonesvilleschools.org, or our Secretary, Cory Toner at Ctoner@Jonesvilleschools.org
We look forward to our journey with you this year!

Lucas Kennard, JMS Principal