JCS Take Out Meals Distribution
In order to help families who may be struggling during the shut down, the Jonesville Community School district has created a “take out” meals day. Prepared meals are available for all children in the community ages 18 and under. Children are not required to be of school age or to attend Jonesville Schools to get a meal. Other schools are also providing this service for all kids in the county. Our pick up day will be Tuesday, March 24 from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM at Williams Elementary School. Please enter the Maumee Street lot, stay in your vehicle, and meals will be brought to you. We will be providing four days worth of cold breakfast and cold lunch for each child in the household.
To help us plan for the number of children who will use this service we are asking that you email the food service director by Thursday, March 19th at 3:00 PM with the number of children you plan to pick up meals for so we can try to get an accurate count on how much food we will need to order. The email address is kbolenbaugh@jonesvilleschools.org.
We hope that you are all safe and sound. Remember to have your children check for their schoolwork and stay on a normal schedule as much as possible.
Chellie Broesamle, Superintendent Jonesville Community Schools